Software Development

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Create, construct, incorporate, scale and update your applications with Stallions Geek Solutions Ltd! Stallions Geek Solutions Ltd has been saddling advanced innovations to assist organizations, mid, huge endeavors, and new companies across the assortment of ventures. Completely in the specialty of programming and the executives, we assist you with building top notch programming arrangements and items just to convey a wide scope of related proficient administrations.

We convey custom web, portable and work area programming arrangements that comprehensively fall under 3 principle classes – the board of B2B, B2C corporations and inward activities. Our product certainly works across every single famous program, OS and versatile stages, scales to a large number of clients and conveys impeccable UX through an unmistakable, legitimate design and smooth work processes.

Java Development

 Java application advancement administrations suggest the designing of incredible web and versatile applications, web benefits, and installed programming arrangements ready to run on any stage with the Java language and structures.

NET Development –

 .NET is a programming language with useful assets for web, portable and work area improvement. It is upheld by the powerful Microsoft biological system and permits building applications appropriate for any gadget and stage.

Exploiting Microsoft advances, Staliions Geek Solutions designers convey quick, versatile, and dependable .NET-based applications. Our group can enhance the created arrangements with moving cloud administrations; guarantee drawing in an exceptionally intelligent JavaScript SPA client experience and simple combination through an undertaking administration transport.

PHP Development

 PHP is an open-source programming language controlling up 80% of the web. It is the language of the White House sites, Facebook, Slack, Wikipedia, Flickr, and the reason for most of present-day web administrations, B2C and B2B applications, content administration frameworks, and web based business arrangements.Staliions Geek Solutions   gives qualified PHP designers to help you influence major PHP-based programming claims:

  • Elite
  • Decreased Development Cost
  • Capacity to run on any OS.
  • Simple Troubleshooting.

C++ Development

C++ is a reliable programming language proven in the development of resource-intensive software due to the high performance, extendibility and portability it provides.

(Company Name )developers use C++ to create libraries and a wide range of native and cross-platform software, including image analysisvirtual realityIoT and 3D modeling solutions.

Qt Development

Qt is #1 technology for GUI and multi-platform application development powering few of the Top 10 Fortune 500 companies.

(Company Name) C++ developers apply this framework to create cost-effective, sophisticated software with intuitive UI for image analysis, image and video processing, IoTVR/AR, and more.

Python Development

Extend your in-house team with Python developers or hire a dedicated Python team from Stallions Geek Solutions to achieve technological advantage and save development costs with first-time-right code, on-time delivery, and high development productivity.

Golang Development

Go, or Golangis a cross-platform server-side language to build heavy-load software with exceptionally high performance and scalability due to native support of concurrency, fast code compilation and automatic memory management. Stallions Geek Solutions’ developers use Go to build robust cloud-native applications that can leverage advanced techs – IoT, big data, AI, machine learning, and block-chain.

JavaScript Development

JavaScript is a client-side development language that helps create dynamic website content. Powered by Node.js, JavaScript serves as a fast server-side language for the entire application to be coded in JavaScript.

(Company Name) developers leverage JavaScript to build richly interactive web and mobile applications with accelerated loading time.

Angular Development

Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework for client-side development of large-scale dynamic applications. Created by Google, Angular offers a rich toolset that helps write less code, make it well-structured, easy to test, reuse and maintain.

Our developers leverage Angular, often as a part of the MEAN stack, to build engaging web and mobile applications at increased speed, including ecommerce, portals, dashboards, video streaming, and other popular types of apps.

Node.js Development

Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development of software that can efficiently operate in a real-time, data-intensive environment. Such benefits make Node.js highly feasible in IoT applications and software for ecommerce transactions, multi-user communication and collaboration.

Mean Stack Development

 MEAN stack improvement administrations help you fabricate cloud-local applications with the heap of advancements dependent on a solitary programming language (JavaScript), which empowers fast and financially savvy improvement.Stallions Geek Solutions depends on MEAN stack advancements – MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js to foster adaptable and versatile programming fit to be dispatched in the cloud.